POS Server Troubleshooting

WARNING! Any troubleshooting performed with the POS server and/or Production should be done with the consultation of your OTP. It is highly recommended you contact your OTP before performing this troubleshooting. Any serious errors can prevent the store from opening, closing, or running under normal conditions. Proceed at your own risk!


POS Server Troubleshooting

Great! You're good to go!


POS Server Troubleshooting

Contact your OTP for further troubleshooting.


POS Server Troubleshooting

Put the store in backup production.

  1. Ring up a water, and total out the order.
  2. The register should show Unable to communicate with the monitors. Would you like to try again? Press No.
  3. The register should show rror sending order to one or more monitors? Would you like to switch to backup mode? Press Yes.
  4. Watch the bottom of the KVS screens. Once Standard switches from white to red, the store will be in backup mode.

Were you able to switch to backup production?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Reboot the POS server VM

In the back office, change the KVM input to PC2 with one of the following methods:

  • Press Scroll Lock twice → 2
  • Press Scroll Lock twice → wait for the menu to appear → Select input 2 and press Enter.
  • Press the button on the switch to change the input to PC2.

You should see the POS server virtual machine by default. If you see a green background with McDonald's Host Server Easy Access, click View Virtual Machines to view the POS server. Click Shutdown VM or Shutdown OS, wait for the machine to shut down, and click Start VM.

Once the POS server finishes loading all software, check the icons on the taskbar. There should be a Java icon (looks like a coffee cup), and one that says NP. Click the Java icon and verify it says Working as Primary, then hover your mouse over the NP icon and verify there are five boxes showing If there are less than five boxes or if the Java icon is not present, call your OTP!

Has everything loaded correctly on the POS server VM?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Promote the store to primary production.

  1. Go to any register, preferably one on front counter.
  2. Access the manager menu.
  3. Press Promote to Primary Production once.
    • NOTE: Switching production is not instant. It takes anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes to switch to primary production.
  4. Watch the text on the bottom of the KVS screens. Once Standard switches from red to white, the store is in primary production. The register will also say Production has been switched.

Were you able to promote to primary production?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Shut down register 1 and retry promoting to primary.

NOTE: Shutting down register 1 while in backup will take the store down while the register is offline!

Press the power button on register 1 once to shut down the register.

  1. Go to any register, preferably one on front counter.
  2. Access the manager menu.
  3. Press Promote to Primary Production once.
    • NOTE: Switching production is not instant. It takes anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes to switch to primary production.
  4. Watch the text on the bottom of the KVS screens. Once Standard switches from red to white, the store is in primary production. The register will also say Production has been switched.

Were you able to promote to primary production?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Bring register 1 back up.

Press the power button on register 1 once to boot the register.

Did the register come back up normally?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Reboot register 1 and shut down the POS server VM.

  1. Press the power button on register 1 once to shut down the register.
  2. In the back office, change the KVM input to PC2 with one of the following methods:
    • Press Scroll Lock twice → 2
    • Press Scroll Lock twice → wait for the menu to appear → Select input 2 and press Enter.
    • Press the button on the switch to change the input to PC2.
  3. You should see the POS server virtual machine by default.
    • If you see a green background with McDonald's Host Server Easy Access, click View Virtual Machines to view the POS server.
  4. Click Shutdown VM or Shutdown OS to shut down the POS server.
  5. Boot register 1 back up by pressing the power button.
  6. Retry putting the store in backup production using the steps listed previously.

Were you able to put the store in backup production?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Boot the POS server VM.

NOTE: The KVM switch should still be set to the POS server from the previous step.

  1. Click Start VM to boot the POS server VM.
  2. Once the POS server finishes loading all software, check the icons on the taskbar. There should be a Java icon (looks like a coffee cup), and one that says NP.
  3. Click the Java icon and verify it says Working as Primary, then hover your mouse over the NP icon and verify there are five boxes showing.
    • If there are less than five boxes or if the Java icon is not present, call your OTP!

Has everything loaded correctly on the POS server VM?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Check the POS server.

  1. In the back office, change the KVM input to PC2 with one of the following methods:
    • Press Scroll Lock twice → 2
    • Press Scroll Lock twice → wait for the menu to appear → Select input 2 and press Enter.
    • Press the button on the switch to change the input to PC2.
  2. You should see the POS server virtual machine by default.
    • If you see a green background with McDonald's Host Server Easy Access, click View Virtual Machines to view the POS server.
  3. Check the icons on the bottom of the screen. There should be a Java icon (looks like a coffee cup) and an icon next to it labeled NP6.
  4. Click the Java icon and verify it says Working as Primary.
  5. Hover your mouse over the NP6 icon and verify there are five boxes showing

Is everything showing correctly on the POS server VM?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Shut down register 1.

Press the power button once to shut down register 1. Let it shut down completely, and press the power button again to boot it back up.

Did the register come back up normally?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Check the KVS for the original issue.

Look at Standard on the KVS screens. It should be in white. Watch it for about 30 seconds to verify the issue is resolved.

Has the text stopped blinking red and white?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Shut down the POS server VM and verify the store is in backup production.

NOTE: The KVM switch should still be set to the POS server from the previous step.

  1. Click Shutdown VM or Shutdown OS to shut down the POS server VM.
  2. Once the POS server shuts down, look at Standard on any KVS. The text should be in red.

Is the text in red, and are you able to take orders?


POS Server Troubleshooting

Boot the POS server VM

NOTE: The KVM switch should still be set to the POS server from the previous step.

  1. Click Start VM to boot the POS server VM.
  2. Once the POS server finishes loading all software, check the icons on the taskbar. There should be a Java icon (looks like a coffee cup), and one that says NP.
  3. Click the Java icon and verify it says Working as Primary, then hover your mouse over the NP icon and verify there are five boxes showing.
    • If there are less than five boxes or if the Java icon is not present, call your OTP!

Did everything load correctly on the POS server VM?
